Din mening

Hjælp dog de afviste irakere

Saddam Hussein Converts to Christianity in Custody

Southern Baptists call for immediate release of former dictator


Iraqi Prisoner's Torture: Non-Iraqis Need Not Be Involved

Images from Abu Ghraib's prison showing persecution, harassment and

humiliation of Iraqi prisoners are nothing less than pure cold- blooded torture. Iraqis know too well what went on inside that

prison for decades under Saddam. The hooded Iraqi prisoners shown in

those pictures could have been ex-intelligence officers responsible

for crushing the 1991 popular uprising and taking the lives of

hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. They could have been ex-republican

guard officers who gassed thousands of Kurdish Iraqis. They could

well have been the deadly quarto; Saddam, Barzan, Sabawi and Watban

in those pictures. But regardless of who those prisoners were, they

should be treated with respect and dignity. I call on all Iraqis to

demand a public trial for the offending coalition soldiers engaged in

those torturous sessions. I call for an Iraqi court to try those

torturers and sentence them under Iraqi laws. They should be taught

a lesson in human rights, respect and the civilized ways of treating


In Iraq, our expectations of the coalition troops are high. We

expect our prisoners to be treated no less human than they would be

in New York, Los Angeles, London or Manchester jails. We, Iraqis,

have the right to be outraged with those images. This is a political

battle for Iraqis to wage against coalition troops in Iraq. Non- Iraqis need not be involved. What is amusing is how Arab

politicians, civic leaders as well as the chieftain of them all, Amru

Mousa criticizing the coalition forces for mis-treating Iraqi

inmates. What boggles my mind is why those Arab politicians are not

questioning their own Kings, Sultans, Sheikhs, Emperors and

Presidents about the well-being of prisoners in their own countries.

Do they know how many political prisoners are jailed ? Do they know

who remains in jail and who died under interrogation ? Do they even

know where those detention centers are ?

Coincidentally, those same politicians were very quiet when more

outrageous torture took place in that same Abu Ghraib pirson 14

months ago and beyond. As a matter of fact, the entire country of

Iraq was one big torture-filled prison, which for some reason,

escaped the minds of those politicians. It was not a few snapshots

that showed torture in Iraq during Saddam's regime, but lengthy

videos showing thousands of Halabchans suffocated on the streets and

hour long documentaries showing how the 1991 uprising was brutally

crushed. None of those horrific footage mattered to the Arab League

and their spokesmen such as Amru Mousa and Lakhdhar Brahimi. Their

silence during those days was deafening.

In case the last two paragraphs were not clear enough to the

politicians in Iraq's neighboring countries. We, Iraqis know what we

want. We seek nothing less than freedom, democracy, justice and the

rule of law and we know how we will achieve it. Your help in this

matter is simply not appreciated. Please back-off !

Free Iraqis.

The New Times



Iraqi Media Inc.
The New Iraqi Media
313-846-9268 in U.S
+8821621239393 in Iraq

Emad Al-Kasid will be returning to Dearborn, Michigan
after a five month stay in his hometown South of Iraq.

Emad has not seen his country of Iraq since he left
the uprising of 1991. 
He returns to the U.S. with new hope and he brings

with him a message to President Bush and the American

people.  Emad says, "Thanks for Liberation!  Thanks
for the Great Nation!

Thanks to President Bush."  During his visit to Iraq,
Emad collected
signatures from over 100 Chief Tribe members
supporting the United States rts in Iraq. 

effoUpon his return, he is interested and willing to
share his thoughts and video of his hometown.

Emad Al-Kasid



The best believers are those with the best characters.

A saying of the last Prophet Mohammad(peace be upon him.)
Dear Lord,
I promise I will never waste my food no matter how bad it can taste and how full I may be. I pray that He will protect this little boy, guide and deliver him away from his misery. I pray that we will be more sensitive towards the world around us and not be blinded by our own selfish nature and interests. AMEN.
I hope this picture will always serve as a reminder to us that how fortunate we are and that we must never never take things for granted.
Please don't break ..keep on fowarding to ur friend On this good day, I would like to suggest a diversion of this'email not broken'.
How about we make a prayer for the suffering in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya,Kashmir and anywhere else around the globe? If each of us make a prayer and send this friendly reminder to others, just imagine how much good deeds we will receive (without realising so).
May all of us get His blessings. Think & look at this...when you complain about your food and the food we wasted daily.

Der findes bestemt nogle danskere, som er racister og hvad så ???

JAMIL HERMEZ [jamilhermez@get2net.dk]

Racisme findes alle steder i verdenen . men det der kan være farligt, er dem der står bag racisme , hvilket motiverer folk til at blive racister bl.a. selve indvandrere ( wala, bela, habibi).
Jeg synes, at nogle indvandrere er skyld i at skabe racisme eller få folk til at ændre deres holdninger og så kommer de til at blive racister( tro på mig fætter).
Nogle af de indvandrere eller flygtninge skal lade være med at være nogle stakler, som vil blive ved med at være afhængige af andres hjælp. Der er ikke noget galt med at hjælpe hinanden, men man skal også lære at være selvstændig for at kunne klare sig i det daglige liv.
Sproget er nøglen til alt og jeg er så træt at høre på at nogle ikke kan eller ikke vil lære sprog p.g.a. psykiske træthed eller at man er for gammel til at lære sprog, det duer ikke mere ( kardash).
Når man kommer eller er tvunget til at komme til et nyt land, så skal man allerførste lære landets sprog og kultur for at man kan klare sig i samfundet og for at kunne kommunikere med andre og for at lære andre at kende og omvendt.
Respekt og taknemlighed er det mindste enhver indvandrers skylder til dette land (Danmark), der har åbnet sine porte for at hjælpe dem, der har bruge for hjælp både politisk og økonomisk til at starte på et nyt liv med en masse muligheder for udvikling i alle retninger, som man ikke kunne turde bede om i de lande, som man kommer fra .
Jeg ved godt at man ikke kan danse tango alene, derfor er det lige så meget danskernes ansvar eller nærmest deres pligt at motivere indvandrer til at integrere sig i samfundet. Hvis de skal undgå problemerne og misforståelser, så kræver det at danskerne må være lidt mere åbne, tolerante, og vise tålmodighed og accept ( selvfølgelig fra begge sidder).
Man behøver overhovedet ikke at glemme sine rødder eller traditioner for at integrere sig i det danske samfund, men til gengæld skal man fandme respektere landets regler og normer.
Til sidste vil jeg sige til alle mine indvandre brødre og søster på trods af deres forskelle bl.a. i farve, religion, nationalitet o.s.v. at de skal tage sig sammen og de skal forstå at de er en vigtig del i det danske samfund.
Vores alle sammens elskede ” dronning” Pia Kjærsgaard vil aldrig have fået magt og nået toppen i det danske politiske liv, hvis vi havde kunnet sproget, og integreret os.
Så takket være os har et firkantet og snæversynet parti, som det danske folkeparti fået politisk magt.

PT: Med al vor respekt til vores rigtige dronning fra alle indvandre i Danamrk.
(Hvis du ikke brænder dig selv, hvis jeg ikke brænder mig selv, hvem ellers skal lyse vejene

skriv til os!